Welcome to the Project Logs

Welcome to TPE! Come along with us on our journey to develop interesting projects and learn while doing it.

Welcome to the first installment of the TPE project logs! Here you will find both high-level overviews of our projects and nitty-gritty technical details. Eventually, our goal is to migrate to video-form content, fully encapsulating the project development process from conception to completion, however for now we will utilize this blog-form content.

So, who are we exactly? TPE was conceived at the end of 2022 by two high school friends turned freshman roommates at the University of Michigan— Sandro Petrovski and Tyler Klinkman. Sandro has a background in various facets of computer engineering, including both high and low-level programming, along with circuit board development. Tyler has a specialty in the mechanical engineering side of things, involving CAD, 3D printing, machining, and assembly.

You may wonder what two college freshmen with little to no professional experience in their respective fields could bring to the table, but that is precisely what makes us unique. Our vision of TPE is one of learning and process; we will inevitably make mistakes, run into roadblocks, and have to return to the drawing board. However, you'll get to come along for the journey and maybe learn a thing or two along with us.

Where do we go from here? Before beginning the project logs, we already have a project called the Useless Box that has made it through the initial development process and is currently in assembly and testing. There will be a project log that introduces the project and gives its current status, in addition to subsequent project logs with updates. We have a few other ideas currently in development for our next endeavor and we hope to finalize an idea in the coming weeks.

Thank you for reading and coming along with us on this journey, we hope TPE will achieve great things in the future.